How to Use a CSS Style Sheet Vs. Direct Notation
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to discuss the benefits of using a style sheet to contain CSS code as opposed to coding it directly into your HTML. Now either way will effectively implement your code but they have different advantages and disadvantages. If you happen to be writing an individual webpage coding CSS directly into the HTML works but if you plan to scale up to apply your CSS across multiple pages a style sheet will help.
In order to directly insert your CSS code into an HTML website you simply use the 'style' tag. Put a 'style' tag in the head tag and apply the styles to div tags. Also, you can directly code CSS into the "style" attribute in an individual line of code.
If you are building a site with multiple pages, creating one stylesheet to use for all of them makes more sense. If you need to make a change it will apply to all of the pages immediately. This saves time in tracking down individual lines of code to edit. This can be done by creating an entire page of css and linking to it on the html page.